210 Jupiter Lakes Blvd #5105
Jupiter, FL 33458

Phone: (561)-748-4445
Fax: (561)-748-4449




Tests that Help to Diagnose Vertigo 


It is important to realize that the diagnosis of the cause of dizziness, tinnitus and vertigo can be one of the most difficult of medical tasks.  The source of imbalance can range from something very simple such as dehydration to something as serious as a brain tumor.  Making the correct diagnosis involves a thorough history,  physical and many tests that may be needed to differentiate the various types of vertigo.


Some possible diagnoses: Salt or water imbalance, Meniere's disease, Thyroid hormone disease, Low Blood Pressure Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, Hi Cholesterol or triglyceride, Diabetes, Acoustic neuroma, Syphilis / Lyme's disease, Migraines, Anemia

Blood tests:  "EAR-LABS".  To look for obvious salt/sugar chemical imbalances, infections and hormonal problems.  This can be done at one of many laboratories or hospitals -- depending on your insurance plan.  You will be given a prescription to have these tests drawn.  Please call your lab for an appointment.

Allergy testing: This may be done by blood test initially, and then confirmed by skin testing. This may require a referral to an Allergist.

MRI Scan/ CT Scan:  A brain scan looks for abnormal tumors or abnormal anatomy. 
Please note tumors are rarely found but very important to eliminate. The scan can be done at one of many centers or hospitals -- depending on your insurance plan.  You will be given a prescription to have this test done. 
Please call the radiology department for an appointment.


Audiological Testing 


The following tests are done by our Audiologist (if your insurance plan allows it):

Audiogram:  The hearing test documents the patient’s present hearing acuity and subsequent fluctuations.  Sometimes the patient does not notice a loss in the high frequencies.  Some diseases that cause tinnitus and vertigo have special hearing patterns.  Since the balance nerve and facial nerve run together with the hearing nerve, disorders of one may affect the other.

Reflex testing (immittance):  The inner ear has muscles that can be tested.  These muscles protect the ear from loud noises.  The test is simple to do and takes very little time.

CRP IRV - Infrared Videography guided Canalith Repositioning - Treats Benign Positional Vertigo.

ENG - Electronystagmography IRV - Infrared Videography: The ENG / IRV test measures inner ear responses to warm/cold air and a variety of other conditions. Eye movements are monitored and traced using goggles with an infrared camera attached. The purpose of this test is to determine if the inner ears are weakened and can also help in identifying which side is affected. When taking this test you may experience a spinning sensation for a brief period of time. Therefore it is recommended that you take this test on an empty stomach. Please refrain from using any makeup as this can interfere with the monitoring system. If possible, avoid taking Antivert, Valium, Xanax, Benadryl or other antihistamines the day of the test.  The test should be done on an empty stomach to prevent vomiting.  Plan on 1 ¼  hours when scheduling this test.  For your safety we also recommend that you have a driver available to drive you home.

Vorteq: AKA the head shaking test, looks for subtle changes in the “fast head movement detection system” The ENG / IRV checks slow movement. Plan on 30 minutes when scheduling this test


ABR: This test measures brainwaves in response to sound.  A transmitter sends loud clicking sounds to the test ear. Electrical sensors placed around the head measure the speed of impulses as they travel from the inner ear to the brain.  Some types of hearing loss may shift the brainwave pattern, while tumors may widen (slow) the brainwave pattern.  ABRs may also be used to detect hearing loss in children or unconscious adults.  Plan on 45 minutes when scheduling this test.


ECOG:  Although it is similar to an ABR, sensor placement is different and includes a probe placed in the ear.  This test looks for pressure fluctuations of the inner ear fluid.  It is used to diagnose Meniere's disease. ECOG is most accurate when the Meniere's disease is active. Plan on 45 minutes when scheduling this test.



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